Our community initiatives

Call for Projects 2024

Our Call for Projects 2024 “Impact, Care, Connection” is aimed at supporting sustainable projects in the communities around our wind farms that are aligned to our core values.

If you or a group in your community have an idea for an initiative that can demonstrate our values in action tell us about it and apply for your specific Country here:

Student support scheme 2024

Power Up Your Career in Renewable Energy with Our Funding Opportunity!

Are you a student passionate about a career in renewable energy or a business looking to upskill or reskill your team in sustainable energy? If that’s you, we’re here to help!

Nadara in numbers

4.2 GW installed capacity

We’re one of Europe’s largest independent power producers, with 92% of our installed capacity coming from wind, generated by almost 2,000 turbines.

200+ renewable energy sites

Our assets generate clean, renewable energy in 11 countries, bringing together diverse team members and contributing to the decarbonisation of multiple national energy systems.

18 GW pipeline

Across onshore wind, offshore wind, solar, and storage, we’re working every day to increase our installed capacity, providing jobs, encouraging innovation, and driving net-zero.

1,000+ employees

We are an international team of people, connected under one common purpose, bringing our differing perspectives and cultures together, and finding synergy in our diversity.

Beyond Sustainability

At Nadara, we build, own, and operate a diversified portfolio of onshore and offshore wind, solar, waste-to-energy, biomass, and energy storage across Europe and the US. And while producing and enabling the wider use of clean energy is fundamental to what we do, we believe we have to do more.

For us, sustainability means going beyond and to create shared value for all our stakeholders. Our energy provides funding for the communities surrounding our energy plants, enables community ownership of our projects, installs defibrillators in remote villages, enhances habitats, and educates children.

Taking care of our stakeholders and the environment, building connections, and having a positive impact is crucial, and redistributing value is at the heart of everything we do.

Working with nature

As a developer, owner and operator, we generate and deliver dependable, clean electricity to Europe and the US, while safeguarding the environment and positively impacting local communities.


Number of operational sites

4.2 GW

Installed capacity

9,154 GW

Electricity produced from renewable energy

1,502,799 tCO2eq

Emissions avoided

Services across our value chain

From planning to production and consumption, Nadara has a strong track record of providing services at all stages of the value chain.

Our expertise helps commerce and industry clients procure and utilise green energy in an efficient and flexible way.

Our innovation empowers energy producers to optimise their revenue through customised energy and asset management solutions.

And our end-to-end capability enables transmission system operators to access turnkey solutions for transmission and distribution networks globally.

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