Energy saving, pollution reduction, sustainable lifestyles: an educational campaign on climate change and renewable energy sources for primary schools, carried out by Legambiente and Renantis, kicks off in various locations in Italy.

Classes will be transformed into newsrooms: pupils will be engaged in conducting interviews and reports on renewable energy sources and the benefits for their communities.

Milan/Rome, 25 September 2023 – Young journalists are being tasked with channelling their curiosity towards environmental issues such as climate change, energy saving, pollution from fossil fuels and renewable alternatives, all in the name of learning. This is the objective of A scuola con energia! (At school with energy!), an educational project for the citizens of tomorrow, created by Legambiente, in collaboration with Renantis.

Primary school pupils are known for their attention to the environment and nature, for their interest in having a less impactful lifestyle and who involve their families in new sustainable habits. It is for this reason that Legambiente and Renantis have launched their new educational campaign addressed to pupils in 4th and 5th grade across a selection of primary schools across Italy.

The schools who will take part cover Friuli Venezia Giulia (Terzo di Aquileia, Cervignano del Friuli and Manzano), Puglia (in Galatone and Ginosa) and Sicily (Vittoria and Ramacca). These school make up part of the communities surrounding Renantis wind farms and solar plants.

Turning the classrooms into a newsroom, the students will take part in editorial meetings, where ‘reporters’ will research and write articles, produce images, and pitch interviews with experts. At the end of the program, each class will produce a story which will be presented at the Energy Festival, an end-of-project meeting open to families and other school classes.

“The ecological transition and the road to decarbonisation is intrinsically connected to the development of renewable energy sources, and Legambiente wants to share the importance of this message across to our young people, who will be the protagonists of the future of our country,” says Giorgio Zampetti, director general of Legambiente. Thanks to the A scuola con energia! campaign we aim to raise awareness among students on the climate crisis and the reduction of emissions through concrete actions to adopt at school and at home through an educational, playful and participatory activity. With a focus on the main sources of renewable energy, specifically photovoltaic, agri-voltaic and wind energy technologies, we can illustrate the benefits for the community and the environment.”

“Involving local communities where we operate has always been at the core of our sustainable approach. We want to create value and share this value locally. Schools and young people play a major role in the energy transition and in the future of renewables.

“The A scuola con energia! project will enable children to approach some of the most important environmental issues of our time in a fun and educational way. Children and their families are an active part of the change. By raising awareness about sustainability issues and the preservation of the natural environment, we can make great strides in creating value at a local level”, says Fabrizio Tortora, Head of Development and JDA at Renantis.

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Comunicato stampa Legambiente Renantis 25 settembre 2023
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