Nadara Limited with registered office in Fourth Floor, 12 Blenheim Place, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH7 5JH


The website www.nadara.com (the “Site“) is owned by Nadara Limited (“Company” or “Nadara”), which has created it for informational, commercial and promotional purposes related to the Nadara Limited and its subsidiaries (“Nadara Group”). Nadara Group develop, design, construct and operate onshore wind farms, solar PV plants, floating offshore wind farms and energy storage facilities globally.

The trademark “NADARA”, the trademarks of the Company or of the Company’s subsidiaries shown in the pages of the Site and all the other distinctive signs (denominative and/or figurative) (the “Trademarks“) are the exclusive property of the Company and/or other companies of the group; any use or reproduction of them for any purpose or by any means whatsoever is expressly and absolutely forbidden and shall be prosecuted by the Company or the Company’s subsidiaries in accordance with the law. The trademarks of third parties reproduced on the Site are the exclusive property of their respective owners, who have authorised their use: any reproduction is prohibited.

The pages that make up the Site and what is contained therein (including but not limited to: text, images, graphics, sounds) are protected by copyright of which the Company is the owner or include material whose use has been duly authorised; therefore, the reproduction, duplication, publication, transmission of them (in whole or in part) in any form or manner is prohibited. No reproduction of the Site or parts thereof may be sold or distributed for commercial purposes.

The downloading of the contents present on the Site is lawful only if expressly authorised with a specific indication within the Site itself; this authorisation exclusively concerns the use for personal and non-commercial purposes of the downloaded material, while any other form of use is strictly forbidden. Nothing contained in the Site may be interpreted as an express or tacit licence in favour of third parties for the use of the Trademarks, texts, images, graphics, sounds and any other element that is the subject of exclusive rights referred to in the preceding paragraphs.


The Company operates with the greatest possible diligence in order to select and keep the contents of the Site up-to-date. In any case, the Company declines all responsibility in the event that the information provided is incomplete or contains errors of any nature.

To the extent permitted by law, the Company also disclaims any liability for any damage that may be caused to users and their property as a result of accessing the Site, the inability to access the Site or the downloading of content from the Site where this is permitted, including damage to users’ computer equipment caused by viruses. The Company is only and exclusively responsible for the content of its own Site and cannot be held liable for the content of third party sites that may be reached via links from the Site itself, as it does not exercise any control over them.


We are constantly striving to make the Site as accessible and usable as possible for every user. It is our goal to eliminate any difficulties when accessing information on this website. If you experience any problems, please contact us at the following link: internal.communication@nadara.com


As the Site may allow access to sites owned and operated by third parties, please note that this legal disclaimer does not apply to these third party sites and the Company is not responsible for the activities carried out by these third parties. In these cases, we suggest that you carefully read the legal notices of said third-party sites.


The Company reserves the right to modify or update, in whole or in part, the content of this legal disclaimer (including as a result of changes in applicable legislation). The changes will be published on the Site and, if substantial, communicated to you by e-mail. The Company therefore invites you to visit this section regularly.

This legal disclaimer is effective as of July 2024. 

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