1. Introduction

We recognise the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion. We have diverse workforce and operate in a diverse environment across the world, serving diverse consumers, suppliers, communities and partners. For us diversity is a real value; we recognise the creative potential that individuals of different backgrounds and abilities bring to their work.

We are committed to creating an inclusive environment in which each employee is able to fulfil their full potential and maximise their contribution, thus boosting organizational performance.

Renantis firmly believes that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace which should be free from any form of discrimination, harassment and/or bullying related to race, nationality, ethnic origin, language differences, religion, belief, political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity including gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, age, disability, marriage and civil partnership, and/or any characteristics protected in any of our markets.

Our Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Leadership Team take the lead in Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) and have undertaken to set a positive example to the entire organisation. Furthermore, the policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of Renantis S.p.A.  The Board fully shares both the spirit and the content of the policy, and has undertaken to promote it at all times.

  1. Definitions

2.1. Diversity. Diversity in organization can be described as the variety of experiences and perspective which arise from differences in race, culture, religion, mental or physical abilities, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and other characteristics. Diversity represents the individual differences and similarities that exist among people. Diversity is a group characteristic, not an individual characteristic. Surface level diversity are gender, age, race, religion, culture etc. Deep level diversity are values, personality, ability, attitude, work preferences and behavioural styles. These dimensions directly or indirectly affect performance, motivation, success, and interactions with others.
2.2.  Inclusion. An inclusive workplace is a working environment that values the individual and group differences within its workforce. It enables a company to embrace the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives of the employees, which in turn increases their talent, innovation, creativity and contributions. An inclusive workplace makes diverse employees feel valued, welcome, integrated and included in the workforce instead of isolated.
2.3. Unconscious bias (or implicit bias) is prejudice or unsupported judgments in favor of or against one thing, person, or group as compared to another, in a way that is usually considered unfair. Unconscious bias occurs automatically as the brain makes quick judgments based on past experiences and background. As a result of unconscious biases in organizations, certain people may benefit and other people are penalized in an unfair way. Many unconscious biases are based on factors such as class, gender, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, age, capacity, health condition and other such traits. In an inclusive workplace unconscious biases should be combatted to increase group innovations, productivity, and creativity; enhanced relationship and collaboration.

  1. Scope

3.1. This policy applies to all employees of the Renantis Group, workers and all job applicants as well as to the members of the Board of Directors of Renantis Group companies.
3.2. Where the Renantis Group’s services are provided by external contractors, sub-contractors or third parties, they are responsible to comply to the Renantis Group’s Diversity and Inclusion Policy whilst providing services on behalf of the Renantis Group. All business partners of the Renantis Group are in general required to comply with this policy,
3.3. The Renantis Group will monitor the performance of contractors, sub-contractors and/or third parties and/or business partners and take all necessary steps to ensure good performance and compliance with appropriate behaviours.

  1. Policy application

The Renantis Group will make its best effort to guarantee an inclusive workplace for all its employees and will require all the employees and its Board members to make the best effort to recognize and combat unconscious, treat all the colleagues fairly and with respect.

4.1. The Renantis Group will demonstrate its commitment in practical terms by:
4.1.1. Age shall not be used as a criterion to restrict capability to progress, we will ensure no assumptions are made about ability based on age.
4.1.2. Discouraging assumptions made about ability based on an individual’s disability whether visible or non-visible.
4.1.3. Identifying and confronting immediately any forms of racist, sexist and homophobic, biphobic and transphobic attitudes, behaviours and language, whilst respecting individual privacy rights and characteristics.
4.1.4. Understanding and respecting gender identity, including gender and transgender, as well as marital/civil partnership status.
4.1.5. Providing support to the employees in their work-life balance choices regarding parenting, caring and work roles and responsibilities, as appropriate to the needs and demands of the business and applicable laws, including promoting smart working to facilitate work-life balance.
4.1.6. Breaking down barriers to develop and advance talented women to the highest levels of the company.
4.1.7. Promoting a workplace where everyone feels comfortable to talk about their marital/relationship status, family situation and religion or belief if they wish so.
4.1.8. Defining and promoting our recruitment strategies to improve gender balance and attract underrepresented groups, where appropriate and where permissible under applicable law.

4.2. To achieve these goals, The Renantis Group will act upon:
4.2.1. Ensuring that the principles of this policy form part of our Core Values and reflected in all the relevant policies and procedures.
4.2.2. Providing awareness training and guidance to all employees and managers on the topics of D&I and unconscious bias.
4.2.3. Identifying and investigating discriminatory behaviour and applying the disciplinary procedure (including dismissal), when this is considered appropriate.
4.2.4. Communicating and regularly reviewing D&I initiatives that have been successfully implemented.
4.2.5. Working with external groups and other companies to keep up to date with the existing best practice.

  1. Responsibility

All employees are responsible to comply with this policy in their own behaviours as well as take active position against any form of discrimination practiced by others. Compliance with this policy means that all employees must:

• report any suspected discriminatory acts or practices through the Whistleblowing portal that can be found on the Renantis   Group’s intranet and internet sites as indicated in the document I_STAFF09.GR: “Operating instruction for management of allegations / Whistleblowing”
• co-operate with measures introduced to ensure equality of opportunity
• discourage any attempts of unlawful discrimination
• not victimise anyone who has complained about, reported or provided evidence of discrimination
• not harass, abuse or intimidate others

There are also specific responsibilities assigned to the Chief Executive Officer, the Executive Leadership Team and the Line Managers that are responsible for:

• Providing leadership on the D&I policy, acting as overall role models to ensure the policy is implemented
• Communicating the policy, internally and externally
• Implementing the policy as part of their day-to day management
• Ensuring D&I issues are addressed in performance
• Effectively managing and dealing promptly when investigating issues relating to potential discrimination

Human Resources and Organization are responsible for:

• Providing guidance to line managers and employees
• Developing and maintaining the employment policy and strategy on D&I
• Organize D&I training and development initiatives
• Supporting managers in investigating issues relating to potential discrimination

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